31 October 2024, 07:17 AM
The anatomy of the middle ear cleft is extremely important in combined approach tympanoplasty. It relies on an accurate knowledge of the relationship between the facial nerve in its vertical portion and the chorda tympani. Indeed it is the bony triangle between them that is drilled in order to open up the channel between the mesotympanum and mastoid regions. It is referred to as the posterior Tympanoplasty Surgery. In all other respects the anatomy of the middle ear cleft is as for any other operation.
Anatomy & Physiology
The anatomy of the middle ear cleft is extremely important in combined approach tympanoplasty. It relies on an accurate knowledge of the relationship between the facial nerve in its vertical portion and the chorda tympani. Indeed it is the bony triangle between them that is drilled in order to open up the channel between the mesotympanum and mastoid regions. It is referred to as the posterior tympanotomy. In all other respects the anatomy of the middle ear cleft is as for any other operation.
Indications for a combined approach tympanoplasty are as follows:
Serous otitis media- rarely
Stage III/IV retraction pockets (Sade classification)
Chronic suppurative otitis media (granulations/cholesteatoma)
Placement of middle ear hearing aid
Placement of cochlear implant
Tympanoplasty is an operation to repair a hole in the eardrum. Mastoidectomy is an operation to remove disease or infected bone behind the ear. It is sometimes combined with repair of an eardrum. Both of these surgeries are done under general anesthetic and are done on an outpatient basis. Following surgery there should be minimal pain and the ear canal will be packed with gel foam in order to support the graft which dissolves within 2 weeks. You may or may not have a scar. If you do it will be behind the ear and will not visible.
Time off work
Seven to Ten days.
Risks and Complications
Risks include total hearing loss, dizziness, noises, facial paralysis, loss of taste of the tongue, secondary infection and recurrence of disease. There is also the need for a second look procedure with or without conversion to a cavity if necessary.
Anatomy & Physiology
The anatomy of the middle ear cleft is extremely important in combined approach tympanoplasty. It relies on an accurate knowledge of the relationship between the facial nerve in its vertical portion and the chorda tympani. Indeed it is the bony triangle between them that is drilled in order to open up the channel between the mesotympanum and mastoid regions. It is referred to as the posterior tympanotomy. In all other respects the anatomy of the middle ear cleft is as for any other operation.
Indications for a combined approach tympanoplasty are as follows:
Serous otitis media- rarely
Stage III/IV retraction pockets (Sade classification)
Chronic suppurative otitis media (granulations/cholesteatoma)
Placement of middle ear hearing aid
Placement of cochlear implant
Tympanoplasty is an operation to repair a hole in the eardrum. Mastoidectomy is an operation to remove disease or infected bone behind the ear. It is sometimes combined with repair of an eardrum. Both of these surgeries are done under general anesthetic and are done on an outpatient basis. Following surgery there should be minimal pain and the ear canal will be packed with gel foam in order to support the graft which dissolves within 2 weeks. You may or may not have a scar. If you do it will be behind the ear and will not visible.
Time off work
Seven to Ten days.
Risks and Complications
Risks include total hearing loss, dizziness, noises, facial paralysis, loss of taste of the tongue, secondary infection and recurrence of disease. There is also the need for a second look procedure with or without conversion to a cavity if necessary.