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Understanding Hypersomnia: Causes and Treatments
Even when they get enough sleep at night, people with hypersomnia still feel extremely drowsy during the day. It can be challenging for people with hypersomnia to stay awake during the day, which can impact their ability to accomplish everyday tasks and stay aware. The disease can have a major influence on a person's productivity, relationships, and general health, all of which contribute to their quality of life.

Hypersomnia can have many different origins, including insufficient sleep, sleep disorders like narcolepsy or sleep apnea, medicine side effects, neurological diseases like MS, or even mental health problems like depression. Alterations to one's way of living, such as better sleep hygiene, meds to help one stay awake, or therapy to deal with any mental health issues that may be contributing to hypersomnia are all possible treatments. In order to assist patients regain control of their sleep patterns and enhance their overall quality of life, it is vital to properly diagnose and manage hypersomnia.

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