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Salbutamol Sulphate API | Treat Asthma
Albuterol Sulphate, which is also known as Salbutamol Sulphate API, is a pharmaceutical agent utilized primarily for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. It is classified as a bronchodilator, a class of medications that promotes respiration by stimulating the relaxation of the muscles lining the airways. Patients who receive Salbutamol Sulphate API via inhalation (utilizing an inhaler or nebulizer) are assured of experiencing immediate relief from acute symptoms. This medication demonstrates exceptional effectiveness in mitigating bronchospasms triggered by a diverse range of stimuli, such as allergens and physical exertion. While generally considered safe and well-tolerated, there is a possibility of experiencing adverse effects such as dizziness, tremors, or an increased pulse rate. However, these are typically temporary and diminish over time.

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Salbutamol Sulphate API | Treat Asthma - by elisa1212 - 4 March 2024, 04:15 PM

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