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Education in Our Life
The education is our responsibility together. The country will get improvement if we have good education and quality and the quantity of students. The education without teachers is very impossible. Because they are inspiring and pushing you to learn and it is also the government`s responsibility for setting high standard, supporting teachers and principals, and turning around schools that aren`t working where students aren`t getting the opportunities they deserve.

Getting the knowledge in Islam is the obligation for all of us. It is identified in our religion as worship. The acquisition of knowledge is worship, reading the Al Quran and pondering upon it is worship, travelling to gain knowledge is worship. The practice of knowledge is connected with ethics and morality with promoting virtue and combating vice, enjoining right and forbidding wrong.

To seek knowledge is indeed a sacred duty and is obligatory on every Muslims, male and female. The first word in the Al Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad was “IQRA`” or “READ”! Seek knowledge! Educated you yourself! Be educated! Surah Al-Zumr, verse (ayah) 9 reveals: “Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know?" Surah Al Baqarah (ayah) 269 reveals “Allah grants wisdom to whom wisdom is granted indeed he receives an overflowing benefit”!

By virtue of such educational programme, the future generations will become the tocrh bearers of Islamic values and play an effective role in the present world. The challenges of modern times call for rebuilding the structure of our educational system such a foundation as to fulfill our spritual as well as temporary obligations. Today we need an educational system which can produce what an eminent Islamic scholar, the late Sayyid Abul A`la Mawdudi, called the “Muslim philosepher, Muslim scientist, Muslim economist, Muslim jurist, Muslim statesman, in brief Muslim experts in all fields of knowledge are needed who would able to reconstruct the social order in accordance with the tenents of islam!

Children are the future and the future lies in their hands but they can only achieve this promise through the acquisition of knowledge because whoever neglects learning in youth loses the past and is dead for the future. We can say that how important the education for our life is! America will never be a powerfull country if the human resource is not having good capability and skill in any fields. German will never be the sophisticated country if the people are not having good knowledge!

Talking about the education in our life is dealing with our future.

Source: The Importance Of Education in Our Life
Nice English for the article Sir !!
Glad to find you here Smile
and how about the educational system that we had right now? I watched on TV in some large and developed country (such as US, England, Singapore even India or China), children by the age 9 or 10 already teached practicing to explained what they learned by their own words and mind, that helped them to understand more about the essence of every discipline knowledge that they learned not just by memorizing what they read on a book..

What I'm tryng to say is, from the very beginner children have been prepared to be an creative and critism individual, the courage to act, leadership etc. They are told to seein thing in many perspective and seek more than one way to solve a problem (or question). Probably that kind of learning system has been applied at some school, but in generally, children only told to read the book, do the home work or test and pointed a high score on their yearly reported book.

then again, I absolutelly totally agree with your opening words "The education is our responsibility together", so, probably we can care more about those things, things that probably not teached in regurally school.

just my opinion kang Smile maaf kalau mengganggu thread keren ini
i think we have to improve the education method and system in universities even in highschool to reach a high quality ! (parden me if my english langues not good Smile )
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Nice Sharing, Thanks
nice article Mas..

Berdakwah dalam bahasa Inggris mantab................................
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Nice article, so inspiring

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